
That one is already on my reading list. Sapolsky is amazing, but I am skeptical about his conclusions in this regard.

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This book, and the accompanying video discussions, are not up on the latest genomics/medical/biological facts. He is also more interested in flogging social justice - whatever that is - but the book is s decent primer and intro survey.

Nature works one way. Personal opinions are irrelevant. There aren't alternate theories of gravity, etc. The control of behavior, by definition, must, bio-mechanically, proceed based on inherited genomic logic. Molecular feedback-feedforward process that happen in milliseconds. RS does not marshall the best facts, but, again, he is flogging social justice.

Likely reading more research papers will bring folks up to date.

The latest and best bio/medical/genomic facts are contained in patents so....takes some digging.

It seems like any interest in human behavior across history would have a foundational interest in the biological facts about behavior, animal and human - we are after all just animals.

But pop myths rule, by definition also...lol. Mind over matter again.......ho hum....

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My bias is against determinism or hard-and-fast ideas regarding "human nature". We'll see, I loved Behave. https://crawdaddy.substack.com/p/review-of-behave-the-biology-of-humans?utm_source=publication-search

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"And another thing..."

Below is the state of the science for starting to understand how the feedback-feedforward circuits in all life/biology can be described. It takes some of the most advanced maths. RS has no idea nor training in this, so his ideas are obsolete already.

Remember, nature and the genome invented logic, looooog before HHSapiens came along.


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I appreciate the info. This is over my head, but I will look for popularizations that don't cut too many corners.

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Aug 11Liked by Rob Crawford

It takes a couple of years of close study - like any real knowledge, but all of the papers are available to everyone free online.

Any real useful/fact based knowledge is NOT going to be in a book - publishers won't support. USA doesn't read anymore so.... Only critically following papers works...

EU/Asia are better but USA is main market.

To me, and I am a pro marketer, pop culture is always based on lying/telling folks magical stuff they want to believe.

But for problem solving, the opposite is necessary - but it's all with no free will anyway so....

I like RS as a person - crippling depression not withstanding - but his books are misleading. Suppose better than nuttin'..

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This guy is much better grounded than RS, but still is not up to date on latest genomics. I also spent some time with him when he started his work. I am good at finding breakthrough folks early on....lol


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"Opinions are like elbows, everyone has a few."

Folks who haven't kept up with the amazing advances in biology, mainly genomics (not genetics) are stuck in tropes from the 18th century. It does take "going back to school" and regular reading/close study...

In 100 years, future generations will look back on current pop tropes as horse and buddy.

I am also friends with brilliant genomic scientist so hear the latest. FYI, everything is locked in, from inherited genes, in 1st 24 hours of conception. Gifts, illnesses, personality, etc... His patents lift the veil a bit...

Nature works one way and genomics controls everything biological, just the way "god" decided...lol. The facts of biology are not different then those of aeronautics, bridge building, or any other critical knowledge - it's all physics.

RS is a great popularizer but, just a step above the usual "airport books." I mainly experience what he misses or gets wrong, like hearing an out of tune piece of music. We used to email back and forth, decent enough guy. Suffers from depression...

The real discoveries and brilliance of this time are hidden in papers and some lectures on youtube. But an anti-science/culture/knowledge/arts/learning/ethics/etc Disney-culture rules, in USA anyway.

The human brain HATES new, better, different....but when loved ones go to hospital....."Who ya gonna call...?"

BTW, it's not a "-ism" but just the accumulated facts and discoveries of how genomics and neurology works - across all life forms....just the logic and bio-mechanics of nature.

So called "philosophers" - whatever that is - flog this bad faith tactic - name calling (-isms) - for ideas they can't argue against...(since no claim in philosophy/theology/economics/voodoo, and much of the humanities can be defended as true or false.....ho hum....

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